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Expert CMMC Services

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Unlock Government Contract Opportunities in Just 8 Weeks with Expert CMMC Services

Our team collaborates closely with you to ensure compliance. We specialize in NIST 800-171, NIST 800-53, FISMA, FedRAMP assessments, and security programs, offering comprehensive CMMC Compliance Services for all types of DoD contractors and subcontractors.

  • CMMC 2.0
  • CMMC Compliance Services
  • CMMC RPO | NIST 800-171 | CMMC Policy | CMMC Compliance

CMMC Compliance Certification

Is a CMMC-AB Registered Provider Organization (RPO) dedicated to providing CMMC readiness services

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is a unified standard for implementing cybersecurity across DoD contractors. Developed over several years, with the first framework details released in January 2020, the CMMC framework introduces a “maturity” model. Audits conducted by third-party assessors will assign firms a “level” representing their cybersecurity protections. Unlike the pre-CMMC era where companies could self-certify compliance, hiding security gaps, the CMMC ensures a standardized level of cybersecurity across DoD contractors.


The DoD has streamlined the CMMC process, though complexities remain. CMMC draws upon various standards, including DFARS, CERT RMM, NIST SP 800-171, AU ACSC Essential Eight, UK NCSC Cyber Essentials, ISO 27001, CIS Critical Security Controls, and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. Integrating these information security standards poses a significant challenge for most DoD contractors aiming for CMMC compliance. CMMC Compliance Certification offers CMMC Assessment, Security Program, and Advisory Services to navigate these complexities.

CMMC Compliance Certification

CMMC Compliance Certification offers a suite of advisory services designed to efficiently plan and prepare for an official CMMC assessment:
CMMC Scoping Workshop
Determine the type of data handled and the required CMMC maturity level. Identify how data is received, stored, shared, and managed across all information systems.
CMMC Gap Analysis
Identify discrepancies between the current state and targeted CMMC maturity levels. The CMMC Gap Analysis pinpoints areas of weakness to focus on for achieving the desired maturity level.
CMMC Remediation Strategy
Aid in remediation efforts, including addressing discrepancies found during the CMMC Gap Analysis and developing a strategic remediation plan. This may involve security control testing, policy, procedure, and plan development to close all identified gaps.
VCISO (Virtual Chief Information Security Officer)

 Provides a high-level security expert supported by a professional team to ensure continuous compliance and maintain maturity level as threats, infrastructure, and business objectives evolve. Services include:

  • CMMC Cybersecurity RP, RPO
  • Incident Response & Management
  • Security Assessments
  • Security Awareness
  • Data Loss Prevention
  • Cybersecurity Consulting
  • Managed Security Services
  • Compliance Advisory Consulting Services
  • CMMC Readiness
  • Vulnerability and Penetration Testing Assessment
  • Ransomware Response
  • Forensic Analysis
  • 24/7/365 Security Operations Center (SOC)
Leveled Practices

The majority of practices (110 out of 171) derive from FAR Clause 52.204-21 and DFARS Clause 252.204-7012, encompassing five levels:

  • CMMC Level 1 focuses on the protection of Federal Contract Information (FCI) and represents basic cyber hygiene.
  • CMMC Level 2 serves as a transitional step in cybersecurity maturity to protect Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), including a subset of NIST SP 800-171 requirements.
  • CMMC Level 3 focuses on the protection of CUI, encompassing all security requirements specified in NIST SP 800‑171, along with additional practices.
Who Does CMMC Compliance Affect?

DoD contractors are increasingly aware of cybersecurity mandates. The Defense Acquisition Federal Regulation Supplement (DFARS) and NIST SP 800-171 cybersecurity framework mandates underscore a concerted effort to protect the U.S. defense supply chain from cyber threats. The establishment of CMMC as a third-party management program ensures standardized security controls across all DoD contracts, optimizing security postures and enhancing overall security for the DoD.

CMMC Certification Compliance Services

CMMC’s risk-based framework allows tailored application of DoD cyber defense requirements based on the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) handled or processed. With CMMC compliance being pivotal for securing Pentagon contracts, DoD contractors turn to CMMC Compliance Certification for comprehensive understanding and guidance.

CMMC Security Mapping Frameworks

CMMC Compliance Support & Audit Readiness

Our CMMC experts streamline and expedite your CMMC compliance process for DoD contracts, ensuring you’re fully prepared for third-party assessments and maintaining rigorous security standards to protect sensitive information.

Your Trusted Security Consulting Partner

CMMC Compliance Certification delivers premier cybersecurity consulting services and incident response support globally. Contact us through our form or connect with our live customer service representatives 24/7 via Live Chat for support.

Elevate your defense contracting business and start winning more government contracts within just 8 weeks by leveraging our specialized CMMC consulting services. Our team of experts in CMMC services is dedicated to fast-tracking your compliance journey, ensuring that your organization not only meets but surpasses the CMMC requirements essential for securing lucrative government contracts.

Don’t let compliance hurdles slow you down. Check out our CMMC Packages and discover how our CMMC services can be your gateway to new government contracting opportunities. Let’s achieve CMMC certification together and unlock the potential for growth and success in the defense sector.

In the demanding sector of defense contracting, securing the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) goes beyond fulfilling a regulatory checklist; it represents a pivotal enhancement to your strategic capabilities. 3C’s CMMC services are expertly designed to steer defense contractors through the intricate pathways of CMMC compliance, incorporating critical standards like NIST 800-171. These services are engineered to ensure your organization not only adheres to but excels within the rigorous CMMC framework, including the nuanced requirements of CMMC Level 2.

Dedicated CMMC Support from Certified Experts

At CMMC Compliance Certification, our team of certified experts is committed to delivering exceptional CMMC support. Crafted to confront the specific hurdles encountered by defense contractors, our advisory and assessment services are tailored to your unique compliance trajectory, ensuring a personalized approach to meeting and exceeding CMMC mandates.

Holistic CMMC Solutions for Comprehensive Compliance

Our suite of CMMC solutions is meticulously developed to encapsulate the full spectrum of the CMMC framework, ensuring a comprehensive approach to compliance. From detailed gap analyses and readiness assessments to thorough JSVA evaluations and dedicated CMMC Level 2 certification support, our commitment is to surpass the conventional benchmarks for CMMC compliance services.

Thorough Gap Analysis

Employing state-of-the-art diagnostic technologies, our gap analysis service offers an exhaustive exploration of your cybersecurity infrastructure. This service aims to unearth vulnerabilities, both prominent and concealed, setting a solid foundation for a strategic path to CMMC compliance, with a keen focus on aligning with NIST 800-171 standards and addressing CMMC Level 2 specifics.

Advanced Compliance Consulting

Our CMMC compliance services include advanced consulting that delivers strategic insights on the implementation of leading-edge cybersecurity protocols that conform to CMMC and NIST 800-171 standards. Our team of experts is equipped to provide high-level advice to enhance your defensive mechanisms against the evolving cyber threat landscape, with special emphasis on achieving CMMC Level 2 compliance.

Precise Technical Readiness Assessments

Our readiness assessments are meticulously designed to gauge your organization’s preparedness for CMMC certification, emphasizing the robustness of your technical infrastructure and the efficacy of your cybersecurity practices. This essential service ensures that you are primed to meet the stringent criteria of CMMC compliance, particularly the demands of CMMC Level 2.

Detailed JSVA Assessments

Utilizing the latest in assessment tools, our JSVA evaluations pinpoint vulnerabilities within your systems, delivering actionable insights to strengthen your cybersecurity stance in accordance with both CMMC standards and NIST 800-171 guidelines, paving the way for CMMC Level 2 certification.

Focused CMMC Level 2 Certification Assistance

Our CMMC solutions extend to encompass targeted support for CMMC Level 2 certification, involving an in-depth review of your adherence to the requisite practices and processes. We ensure your systems and operational protocols are rigorously evaluated and refined to meet the exacting standards of CMMC Level 2 certification.

Take the Next Step Towards CMMC Compliance: Speak with a 3CPAO Consultant Today

Embarking on your CMMC journey or aiming to elevate your current compliance status to CMMC Level 2? Our certified 3CPAO (CMMC Third-Party Assessment Organization) consultants are here to guide you through every step of the process. With expertise in CMMC security services, CMMC solutions, and a deep understanding of NIST 800-171 standards, our consultants are uniquely positioned to offer tailored CMMC support that ensures your defense contracting business not only meets but excels in CMMC compliance.

Don’t navigate the complexities of CMMC compliance alone. Connect with a 3CPAO CMMC compliance consultant today and set your organization on a path to robust cybersecurity and strategic advantage. Contact us now to schedule your consultation and take a decisive step toward securing your CMMC certification with confidence.


Navigating CMMC Services with Technical Precision

Our gap analysis employs advanced technological methodologies for a comprehensive examination of your cybersecurity framework, identifying vulnerabilities and ensuring alignment with NIST 800-171 and CMMC Level 2 requirements.

Contact us now to schedule your consultation and take a decisive step toward securing your CMMC certification with confidence. Our gap analysis employs advanced technological methodologies for a comprehensive examination of your cybersecurity framework, identifying vulnerabilities and ensuring alignment with NIST 800-171 and CMMC Level 2 requirements. Our specialized support is tailor-made to navigate the complexities of CMMC compliance, offering high-level strategic guidance on implementing cutting-edge cybersecurity measures and optimizing security infrastructure for CMMC Level 2 readiness.

Our CMMC Level 2 support goes beyond standard cybersecurity measures, providing defense contractors with comprehensive guidance and strategic solutions to achieve compliance with CMMC requirements. We understand the intricacies of CMMC compliance and offer tailored support to optimize security infrastructure for Level 2 readiness. When assessing COTS products within our CMMC solutions, we conduct thorough technical reviews to ensure their compliance with CMMC standards and NIST 800-171 guidelines. This evaluation helps identify any potential exemptions and streamlines the compliance process specifically for CMMC Level 2.

Our CMMC solutions include a thorough assessment of COTS products, ensuring their compliance with CMMC standards and NIST 800-171 guidelines, specifically for achieving CMMC Level 2 readiness. We conduct a technical review to identify any exemptions and streamline the compliance process. Our technical readiness assessment evaluates your organization’s cybersecurity measures and technical defenses in preparation for the rigorous scrutiny of CMMC certification, with a specific focus on meeting the requirements of CMMC Level 2.

Our JSVA assessments utilize forefront scanning and penetration testing methodologies to uncover vulnerabilities, enhancing your cybersecurity resilience in compliance with CMMC standards and NIST 800-171, crucial for achieving CMMC Level 2 compliance.

Our support for CMMC Level 2 certification entails a rigorous review of your cybersecurity practices and processes, with a particular focus on the safeguarding of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), ensuring your systems are prepared to meet the stringent requirements of CMMC Level 2.

Our comprehensive CMMC services are strategically designed to address the multifaceted compliance challenges faced by defense contractors, offering specialized CMMC support and holistic CMMC solutions. With CMMC Compliance Certification, begin your compliance journey with the assurance of expert guidance, focused on achieving and maintaining CMMC Level 2 compliance.